Get answers to common questions. Watch a recording of our Q&A webinar and email us if you have more questions.

Eligibility & Charitable Purpose

Who is best suited for this opportunity?
What are the eligibility requirements?
Are public officials eligible?
Is there a certain level of seniority or years of work experience required?
How is charitability defined for the purposes of the residency program?
How is charitability assessed for books and literary projects that will be available for sale?
How is charitability assessed for books and films that have a social impact but will generate a profit for the writer or filmmaker?
How is charitability assessed for an art exhibition that directs a percentage of its sales to a charity?

Pre-Application Questionnaire

After completing the Pre-Application Questionnaire, how do I access the online application?
If I’m not ready to apply this year, can I apply in the future?

Projects & Themes

What kind of projects are you looking for?
What are the different project types?
What are the current residency themes?

Application Process & Timeline

What does the application include and when is the deadline?
How are applications evaluated?
What are the video requirements?
How do I upload my video to YouTube?
What are the work sample requirements?
What are the CV requirements?
Are references, letters of support, or letters of recommendation required?
Does the application and required materials need to be in English?
Is it possible to work on a project not in English?
Where are the interviews held?
Can I submit multiple proposals?
Can I apply as part of a team?
If I am accepted to the residency program and my project changes from what I originally proposed in my application, is that ok?
Do you provide feedback to applicants?

Residency Program & Other

Where can I learn about past residents?
Where can I learn more about the residency program?
How are the residency dates determined?
How many residents are in each four-week cohort?
Can we bring a spouse/partner to the residency?
What is included in the residency and is travel support available?
What is the official language of the program?
What is the difference between the Bellagio Center’s Residency and Convenings Programs?
What are The Rockefeller Foundation’s funding priorities?
Where can I go if I still have questions?

The Bellagio Residency

An unparalleled opportunity to forge cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural connections that can strengthen work, shift perspectives, and spur new ideas.
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